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In Memory of Molly Bass

It is with deep sorrow we share that Molly Bass, our senior director of scholarships and endowments, passed away June 22.

Read Molly’s obituary in Virginia Magazine

Gifts made to the University of Virginia Alumni Association in memory of Molly Bass will be designated for a scholarship fund.  Details of the fund will be determined with Molly’s family in the coming weeks.

Check donations should be made payable and sent to:

UVA Fund
PO Box 400314
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Memo: In memory of Molly Bass

Credit card donations can be made online here.

Note: Memorial gifts should be made to the “Memorials and Benches” designation.  This link will prepopulate that designation.  You will be able to indicate that this is an in memory of gift after completing payment.