Patrick Sean Murphy, a member of the Class of 1987, was one of the UVA alumni killed in the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center. His family and friends have established a memorial scholarship to honor his life and the special affection he had for The University.
The Patrick Sean Murphy 9/11 Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a rising 3rd or 4th year student who embodies the values and ideals that Patrick demonstrated during his time at the University. Selection will be based upon a variety of criteria, including academic achievement and contribution to the quality of student life on the Grounds, as well as the qualities of leadership and citizenship envisioned by the University’s founder, Thomas Jefferson. All applications will be considered with some preference given to applicants who are relatives of victims of the 9/11 tragedy. A good jump shot wouldn’t hurt either. The scholarship will be for $10,000 for the 2025–26 academic year.
About Patrick Sean Murphy

This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Patrick Murphy (’87) and to perpetuate his remarkable legacy. Patrick was killed in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
During his four years at the University, Patrick pursued endeavors that continued through his lifetime. He served as a Resident Assistant for three years, guiding, counseling and encouraging others. As a founding member of the Virginia Chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, he committed to both the organizational demands of such an undertaking, and to the spirit of a brotherhood. His personal, thoughtful approach built an enduring legacy of love and respect from his closest friends, and from a strong chapter that has over 400 alumni and active members. With a personality for performance, Patrick also enjoyed singing with the Madrigal Singers. Patrick also had a great love for the game of basketball and could regularly be found shooting “threes” in intramural and “pick-up” games at the Slaughter Rec Center and U-Hall. He graduated in 1987 with a B.S. in Computer Science from the Engineering School.
After graduation, he moved to New York City with several of his fraternity brothers. In 1989 he met his future wife, Vera, on a blind date – set up by one of his fraternity brothers. In 1991, Patrick and Vera married, and continued to live in NYC until 1995, when they moved to their home in Millburn, NJ. In 1997, Patrick and Vera welcomed their first child, Sean, and in 1999, Maggie joined them. His career spanned information technology pursuits for a multiple of industries, including financial services, entertainment, internet and insurance. In his most recent position, he served as a Vice President of Global Technology Services for Marsh & McLennan, an international insurance brokerage firm.
In loving memory, Patrick’s family and friends have established the Patrick Sean Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund to pay tribute to his person and character. To everyone who knew him, Patrick was a memorable individual and someone who left a lasting impression on them in an intensely positive way. Patrick’s smile could light up a room, and his sense of humor, zest for life and consideration of others have left indelible memories to all who had the good fortune to have him in their lives. Patrick worked hard at everything he did, always choosing the more difficult path. Yet he managed to approach academics and life with the same passion. Patrick understood that the real joy in life lies in the journey; he lived his values every day. In celebrating Patrick’s life, we celebrate also the virtues of commitment, civility and integrity so prized by the University and society as a whole.
Patrick’s family and friends sincerely hope that the Memorial Fund established in his name will serve to return some small measure of gratitude to the institution that Patrick so cherished. It is our hope that by acknowledging deserving upperclassmen, we can promote the love of learning and life, the balance between physical pursuits and academic achievement, that marked Patrick’s time at the University and his life in general. In his all too short time among us, Patrick’s life was a model for all who wish to emulate it, demonstrating that the most valuable things are not found at the end of the rainbow, but along the way.
The Patrick Sean Murphy Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a rising third or fourth-year University of Virginia student who best exemplifies the values and ideals reflected in the life of Patrick Sean Murphy. Selection will be based upon a variety of criteria, including academic achievement and contribution to the quality of student life on the Grounds, as well as the qualities of leadership and citizenship envisioned by the University’s founder, Thomas Jefferson. Preference may be given to brothers in good standing of the Virginia Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi, participants in the Resident Life program, Engineering School students or member of University choral groups. A good jump shot wouldn’t hurt either. Recipients will be selected by a committee of Patrick’s family, friends and colleagues. The scholarship will be to assist with tuition, room and board fees.
From UVA Today (July 30, 2021):
Love & Basketball: Memory of Alumnus Who Died in 9/11 Lives on Through Scholarship