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Young Alumni Council

In 1995, in response to the urging of energetic young graduates, the UVA Alumni Association established Young Alumni Council (YAC) to advocate for the needs of UVA young alumni. YAC works in partnership with the UVA Alumni Association to engage and support UVA’s young alumni.

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Who does YAC serve?

YAC serves the twelve most recent classes of UVA undergraduate alumni, more than 25% of the University’s undergraduate alumni population.

What does YAC do?

Over the last three decades, YAC has been an engine of ingenuity and engagement, from initiating treasured traditions like Young Alumni Reunions (YAR), to incubating programs like the University’s GivingToHoosDay annual giving day effort, to developing alumni leaders who have gone on to have widespread impact on the University through service and volunteer leadership.

How is YAC structured?

YAC is composed of thirty-six council members who represent the twelve most recent classes of UVA undergraduate alumni. YAC is led by an executive committee of president, vice president, and secretary who are elected each year and advised by Alumni Association staff. Council members serve on committees and working groups on an ad hoc basis and have the option to serve two consecutive three-year terms on YAC.

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