The Long and The Short of It
First-year students in the Class of 1974.
Jenise Setian“Far Out” Windows of 122 Maupin in 1970
The windows of one of the suites in 122 Maupin, which housed first-year women in the Class of 1974. We had fun with “Day-Glo” paint and never had to remember the building number when giving directions. “Just look for the windows!”
Jenise SetianDames at Sea in the Helms Theatre
Peter Hagan, Joan Stapleton, Mark Hattan, Carolyn Hurlburt, Allen Fitzpatrick, Anne Gartlan, and Richard Bryant
Carolyn Hurlburt SameCelebrating at Commanders Palace in New Orleans
Ashbrooke Tullis (’89) Ned Scharpf (’89) and Tania Odabashian (’89) with Ned and Tania’s daughter Nadia Scharpf
Tania OdabashianA Flea in Her Ear (farce!)
Ken Lambert, Carolyn Hurlburt, and the late, great Martha Gipson
Carolyn Hurlburt SameIt’s Too Darn Hot!
Kiss Me, Kate! Directed by David Bell
Carolyn Hurlburt SameDrama Department in Minor Hall
Steve Nunnally, Carolyn Hurlburt, & Bronson Platt
Carolyn Hurlburt SameThe Drama Department Needs Women!
I was a drama major and we had classes, rehearsals and performances in Minor Hall for my first three years. In my senior year, we moved over to the brand new Culbreth Theatre and the smaller black box theatre, the Helms.
Carolyn Hurlburt Same
Graduation Day 1994 – Alpha Phi Sisters
What a great day, walking down the lawn with your sorority sisters! We had all been through a lot together, and this was another memory to cherish!
Jennifer Shauger Ladrillono1985 Tuttle Dorm
25th Reunion in 1999
Webb roommates Marilyn Perkins Wood and Nancy Crawford
Marilyn WoodRainey Program 2010
Theta Nu Xi Sisters
McIntire School of Commerce, Spring 1984
Tuttle Dorm at Chris Greene Lake, May 1981
1981 Tuttle Dorm
Women of Class of 1974
Taken at 2004 Reunions
Dan PleckerUVa-UNC Game 1971
UVa-UNC game 1971 with Coach Hoot Gibson and myself and fellow Hancock dormmates to the left of player’s chin
Dan Plecker25th Reunion McIntire Lunch
Friends forever – Liz Shaw O’Kelly and Tania Odabashian
Tania OdabashianEnjoying Reunions
30th reunion. Enjoying Loving cup
Tania OdabashianSpring of ’81 at Metcalf Dorm
Study Abroad
Students studying in different countries met in Lucerne for Xmas.
Leigh Stoll BryanAOPi mixer/party in the country
Beth Campbell. Kelly Kerr. Leigh Stoll Bryan
Leigh Stoll BryanJammin’
Susan Sledge Vaughn
Amy Breeden-Babcox
Kathy Kelly Cascella
Commencement Ceremonies on the Lawn-1994
One of the proudest moments—graduation day on The Lawn
Teri ReavesAOPi painting Beta Bridge
AOPi painting Beta Bridge
Beth Ambrose
Leigh Stoll BryanAOPi painting Beta Bridge
Beta bridge – Susan Sandridge Mitchell and Asha
Leigh Stoll BryanA visit to the Corner during Reunions
Little John’s
Michelle Igbani1985 Tuttle Dorm
Spring Break at Virginia Beach
2019 – 25th Reunion
Graduation Day on the Lawn
College, Class of 1974. Anne Gibson with Bruce Milam starting to cross in front of Gibson.
Anne Gibson TauschLetter Home 1974
Sitting with a couple of suitemates in Balz Dorm prior to the Military Ball in the Spring of 1971
And, no, the NROTC look did not really blend in with the University crowd in 1971. Cover was just on for photo.
Ralph VolkReunion 1994
Webb roommates Marilyn Perkins Wood and Nancy Crawford, Reunion 1994
Marilyn WoodWith besties for life
With besties for life – 30 year reunion 2022
Aklil Getachew30 year reunion 2022
Class of 1994 Reunion 2022
2020 – The Lawn
Alex Rudin – UVA BS Engr 2020; UVA MS Engr 2021
Andrew RudinSpring 1986 Tuttle Dorm
Sunday of Move-in Weekend 1970
John Kohler and Dan Plecker in front of Hancock Dorm
Dan Plecker1985 Tuttle Dorm
Class Dinner on the Lawn, 45th Reunion
Webb roommates Marilyn Perkins Wood and Nancy Crawford at class dinner on the Lawn, 45th reunion in 2019
Marilyn WoodReunions 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019
2009 Reunions
Brad Reynolds – the invitation said “coat and tie”
Dan PleckerCape Hatteras 1987
John Kohler, Nat Karns, Dan Plecker and Mike Malley
Dan PleckerReunions Memories
2019 Reunions to left, 2014 on right
Dan PleckerPam McLean
1988 Country Party
Suzi Bailey (Nancy Sue)
Spring on the Lawn 1978
Beta Memering
2023 Reunions
Beta Memering
2023 Reunions
Tonya Thompson
Class of ’98 – College of Arts and Sciences Reunions Luncheon
Tonya Thompson
Saturday Night Dinner
Tonya Thompson
’98 – Silent Disco Party
Jaime Nelson
Timothy Wooster, Michelle Hall, and Jaime (Gray) Nelson at Graduation, 1998
Charles Yu
On the Lawn after dinner