Wahoowa! Look Hoos coming back for Juntos. The list below is updated weekly, so please know that it may take a few days for your name to appear.
First Name | Last Name | Last Name at UVA | School | Year | Status |
Gabriela | Araujo Kolman | College of Arts & Sciences | 2015 | Planning to Attend | |
Maria Alexandra | Arriaga | College of Arts & Sciences | 1987 | Planning to Attend | |
Miguel | Bacigalupe | College of Arts & Sciences | 2008 | Registered | |
Enmanuel | Baez | College of Arts & Sciences | 2024 | Registered | |
Victoria | Barahona | Batten School | 2023 | Planning to Attend | |
Christopher | Blank | College of Arts & Sciences | 2009 | Planning to Attend | |
Claudia | Castaneda | College of Arts & Sciences | 2017 | Registered | |
Maria | Contreras | Engineering | 2020 | Planning to Attend | |
Eduardo | Contreras Velasco | Commerce | 2014 | Planning to Attend | |
Alessandro | Coreas | College of Arts & Sciences | 2022 | Planning to Attend | |
Kaitlyn | Diaz | Education | 2020 | Planning to Attend | |
Tim | Dodson | College of Arts & Sciences | 2019 | Registered | |
Karly | Fuentes-Paredes | Commerce | 2024 | Registered | |
Briana | Gutierrez | College of Arts & Sciences | 2023 | Planning to Attend | |
Maria | Gutierrez | College of Arts & Sciences | 1990 | Planning to Attend | |
Andrea | Jacobs | Engineering | 2005 | Planning to Attend | |
David | Lopez | College of Arts & Sciences | 2019 | Registered | |
Carmen | McGhee | College of Arts & Sciences | 1995 | Planning to Attend | |
Moises | Mendoza | Education | 2019 | Planning to Attend | |
Franklin | Narvaez | Commerce | 2015 | Planning to Attend | |
Henry | Palomino | College of Arts & Sciences | 2001 | Planning to Attend | |
Hector | Quijano | College of Arts & Sciences | 2019 | Planning to Attend | |
Carolina | Ramoa | College of Arts & Sciences | 2006 | Registered | |
Anne | Reyna | Law | 2023 | Planning to Attend | |
Patrick | Riccards | College of Arts & Sciences | 1995 | Planning to Attend | |
Rossymar | Rivera Colon | Medicine | 2023 | Planning to Attend | |
Lyons | Sanchezconcha | College of Arts & Sciences | 2016 | Planning to Attend | |
Flora Maria | Schule | Law | 1991 | Planning to Attend | |
Wilson | Ventura | Graduate School of Arts & Sciences | 2013 | Registered | |
Jeremy | Whitehurst | College of Arts & Sciences | 2015 | Planning to Attend | |
Amy | Zapata | College of Arts & Sciences | 2024 | Registered |