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Hoos Attending

Wahoowa! Look Hoos coming back for Juntos. The list below is updated weekly, so please know that it may take a few days for your name to appear.

First NameLast NameLast Name at UVASchoolYearStatus
GabrielaAraujo KolmanCollege of Arts & Sciences2015Planning to Attend
Maria AlexandraArriagaCollege of Arts & Sciences1987Planning to Attend
MiguelBacigalupeCollege of Arts & Sciences2008Registered
EnmanuelBaezCollege of Arts & Sciences2024Registered
VictoriaBarahonaBatten School2023Planning to Attend
ChristopherBlankCollege of Arts & Sciences2009Planning to Attend
ClaudiaCastanedaCollege of Arts & Sciences2017Registered
MariaContrerasEngineering2020Planning to Attend
EduardoContreras VelascoCommerce2014Planning to Attend
AlessandroCoreasCollege of Arts & Sciences2022Planning to Attend
KaitlynDiazEducation2020Planning to Attend
TimDodsonCollege of Arts & Sciences2019Registered
BrianaGutierrezCollege of Arts & Sciences2023Planning to Attend
MariaGutierrezCollege of Arts & Sciences1990Planning to Attend
AndreaJacobsEngineering2005Planning to Attend
DavidLopezCollege of Arts & Sciences2019Registered
CarmenMcGheeCollege of Arts & Sciences1995Planning to Attend
MoisesMendozaEducation2019Planning to Attend
FranklinNarvaezCommerce2015Planning to Attend
HenryPalominoCollege of Arts & Sciences2001Planning to Attend
HectorQuijanoCollege of Arts & Sciences2019Planning to Attend
CarolinaRamoaCollege of Arts & Sciences2006Registered
AnneReynaLaw2023Planning to Attend
PatrickRiccardsCollege of Arts & Sciences1995Planning to Attend
RossymarRivera ColonMedicine2023Planning to Attend
LyonsSanchezconchaCollege of Arts & Sciences2016Planning to Attend
Flora MariaSchuleLaw1991Planning to Attend
WilsonVenturaGraduate School of Arts & Sciences2013Registered
JeremyWhitehurstCollege of Arts & Sciences2015Planning to Attend
AmyZapataCollege of Arts & Sciences2024Registered