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Sell Yourself (Without Selling Out)

Originally Aired
September 21, 2012
Event Type
Presented By
Tim Chaney
Movie Audio

Are you a consultant, attorney, graphic designer, accountant, life coach, photographer, sales professional, or someone who sells their expertise? Are you a CEO selling a vision to your management team, a fundraiser selling potential donors on a worthy cause, or a middle manager selling your boss on a new direction for business development?

If your success depends on selling your ideas, you will get significantly better results immediately by incorporating the principles you will learn in this webinar.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting ready to launch your business, Tim Chaney will show you how to maximize your efforts so that:

  • You earn a great living serving a small number of extraordinary clients
  • Your work has huge impact
  • You derive tremendous fulfillment from your efforts

Client acquisition is an inner game, and developing sales mastery will require you to act with boldness, focus, clarity, and consistency.

  • Are you ready to earn substantially more without working more hours, expending more energy, or spending more on marketing?
  • Are you struggling to enroll others in your vision even though you are great at what you do?
  • Would you love to cut back on your hours without impacting your income?
  • Do you find that you don’t enjoy the sales process and realize you need to if you want to succeed?
  • Would you like to raise fees but are afraid of losing business?

If you identify with one or more of the questions above, this webinar is designed just for you. In this information-packed session, you will learn:

  • The biggest secret to sales success that virtually no one knows about. When you get this, your performance will sky-rocket in everything you do, including sales.
  • One key shift that will make a major difference in your efforts right away. Most new sales professionals, and even some veterans, get this wrong. Now you won’t have to.
  • The three keys to landing high-fee, high-impact clients who will get extraordinary results.
  • The hidden gem that can catapult your referrals and keep your marketing budget at a minimum.
  • The one thing that kills more opportunities for business than anything else.
  • The three key principles to utilizing your time for the highest reward.

Come ready to take notes – this webinar will be meaty, and time-permitting, Tim will be taking your questions.

About Tim Chaney

Tim Chaney (Engr ’88) serves as a success partner to entrepreneurs who sell and deliver expertise that they are passionate about. He uses his expertise in peak performance to assist his clients in developing high levels of clarity, creativity, resiliency, fulfillment, and peace of mind. With that as a foundation, Tim assists his clients in earning significantly higher incomes by powerfully serving fewer clients. Tim is a 1988 UVA grad and author of the forthcoming book, How Much Freedom Can You Stand: Ideas You’ve Never Heard Before for Results You’ve Never Gotten Before. Tim resides in Charlottesville with his beautiful wife, Monica, and perhaps his greatest teacher, his son, Drew.

For more information, please contact Alumni Career Services at