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Goal Achievement Made Fun

Originally Aired
January 6, 2012
Event Type
Presented By
Tim Chaney
Movie Audio

Make this the year you hit the sweet spot of success and accomplish your goals! Join Tim Chaney (Engr ’88) as he shares his unique approach to goal achievement: the FUN goal. You’ll learn how the FUN goal process works and how you can put it into practical use right away to accomplish more of the things that really matter to you without the struggle. Tim will explain the top eleven reasons people fail to reach their goals (and how to avoid them), as well as why SMART goals are not very smart. Participants will have the opportunity to receive coaching during the webinar.

About Tim Chaney

Tim Chaney (Engr ’88) is a Certified Transformative Coach and an expert in helping people create more success in less time with no stress. He is a coach and catalyst to high achievers who often:

  • are highly successful at something they no longer want to do
  • have success in one area of their life to the detriment of all the others
  • despite their success are neither happy nor fulfilled
  • are ready to create success without stress
  • feel stuck in a performance plateau or slump

Tim believes it makes no sense to beautifully paint the rooms of a house built on a cracked foundation. Instead, he assists his clients to strengthen their inner foundation and see their world in new ways. When you see the world differently, the world you see is different. Tim creates the space where insights and miracles happen for his clients on a regular basis.

Tim is the author of How Much Freedom Can You Stand – Ideas You’ve Never Heard Before for Getting Results You’ve Never Gotten Before. Tim works with corporate teams, groups and individuals and is the founder of the popular “Find Your Sweet Spot” transformative retreat.

For more information, please contact Alumni Career Services at